Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Social Media and Job Hunting

Starting A Job Search: How To Use Social Media To Get A Job

This is a natty little video from Video Jug explaining how to go about using social media when you are job hunting. It explains the process of exploiting social networking/media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to find jobs. The tips are all good ones, cleaning up your profile or at least locking them down. No drunken photos of that Stag Do in Prague. Also add some keywords into your profile, job titles, interests and even clients you have worked with. Treat it like an interactive CV. They mention linkedin as well and its importance in building professional networks.

They also talk about using Twitter to look for jobs and build relationships. The core of the issue is building a strong personal online brand. To do this takes some time, effort and creativity on your part but it is worth pursuing. This is a neat article about it here – building your brand online. Get started on building your brand today. You never know if your dream job is just waiting for you!

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